Joe Montaperto

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Panera in Hoboken, NJ

Ok - I would like to continue on this theme of writing in cafes, coffee shops and/or diners. First of all, I HAVE to write in one of these places - there  is NO WAY I could ever even attempt to write in my place of residence - or any place of residence, that is. Even the attempt would drive me madly insane! So, as you can see, I have no choice. But the thing is, you have to find the right KIND of public place to write. Forget about Starbucks - too many white fatsos and Yuppies. No, the place MUST have the right ambience - just enough lunatics to make it interesting, a friendly, compliant staff, who will get me free food (as I would never actually buy anything) relative peace, and a tolerant management. THAT place is Panera in Hoboken. Besides actually never having bought anything in 10 years there - in fact, I bring my own food - Siggi's Icelandic vanilla yogurt,  a handful of organic almonds, a 1.9 oz. bar of Green&Black Dark Organic Chocolate (it MUST be 70% cacao - any less is unacceptable!), from Basic Foods down the block - and finally, all the acouttrements for my Yerba Mate tea ritual - of which I carry in my backpack! I also write in a notebook longhand...more on all these startling developments in my next blog!